My Services

My role as a doula is to support the birthing mother emotionally and physically for the best chance to achieve her ideal birth. I am also there for the partner or other support who may be present. I will use my knowledge and experience to help guide you during your labor and delivery. Preparing for birth starts during pregnancy, so we will talk about questions for your care provider to make sure their birth values align with yours, go over stretches, exercises, and postures to make sure your baby is in an ideal position for labor, and make a plan for how you want to approach your labor and birth, especially in the event things change course. I am based in the Wildwood area, and will work within great St. Louis including St. Louis City.

  • Free Consultation to meet and discuss your birth goals

  • Prenatal visit to discuss your birth plan, comfort measures, and labor style

  • Available by phone, text, and email throughout your pregnancy, early labor, and days immediately following

  • On call 24/7 starting your 37th week of pregnancy

  • Continuous in person support starting from active labor until a few hours after delivery

  • One postpartum visit 5-7 days after delivery to visit, discuss your labor, and offer resources that you may need

  • Access to my library of books about pregnancy, labor, delivery, and life with your new baby

How I Structure My Service:

  • My fee is $1000

  • The first half of my fee is due when you decide you would like to hire me as your doula to reserve a space on my calendar

  • The second half of my fee is due at your 37 week prenatal visit, because I then am on-call 24/7 for your birth

Payment Schedule: